You gotta be around the ball 🏉

You gotta be around the ball 🏉

Serendipity - Why being around the ball is the secret to success

Is there such a thing as luck that makes successful people successful?

I was listening to a recent episode of the Prof G Pod where they discussed whether luck plays a role in investment or not.

The story goes that even investing in ETFs for 30 years doesn’t help if you were born in Germany in the 1920s. However, being in the markets for the long term is still the way to success.

Listening to this, I said out loud while driving …

‘you gotta be around the ball!’

Andrew Johns was one of the best rugby league players that ever played! You can’t doubt his natural talent and athleticism, but was he really so much better than anyone else who managed to play one of the most physically demanding sports on the planet?


But I believe what separated him was his uncanny habit of always being around the ball!

Luck does play a role. No doubt, but...

Balls bounce anywhere

Markets can crash

Shit can and does happen

But so does serendipity

That chance meeting with someone at a random conference that ends up connecting you with your biggest source of revenue for the next 5 years.

Meeting up with an old colleague that ends up being your cofounder — TWICE.

That time you went back to your old restaurant job cause your new job sucks and ended up meeting your wife.

Skill, talent, practice and discipline are all required

But to be truly great

You gotta be around the ball!